So What Is
“The Company”
Dancers who are finding that they want more intensive training to begin a pre-professional dance career may be interested in joining our Tampa Bay dance company. We do competitions, conventions, and train hard. Each year we host auditions here at K&D North to select new members to join our company and we are always actively seeking hard working, passionate individuals to push us forward as a studio.
What is the difference between
your Tampa Bay dance company and
weekly dance classes?
your Tampa Bay dance company and
weekly dance classes?
Dancers who are in our company are training more hours than those who are not. We will have weekend rehearsals and far more performance opportunities. There is an added level of commitment for the dancers when being on a company team that requires passion and drive to consistently improve and push for greatness. While company is equally as fun as week classes, the drive is more intense and dancers will be pushed at a higher level as they will be competing year-round.
Is my dancer ready?
Starting with the audition, dancers will be able to determine if the work ethic that is required of company members is right for them. Dedication and focus on improvement will be attributes that are noticeably driving for dancers who wish to be on our Tampa Bay dance company team. Classes and rehearsals will ready the dancer to their upmost potential along with the drive they have instilled in them.
How many performance
opportunities will there be?
opportunities will there be?
This answer differs year to year but the short answer is… A LOT! Our Tampa Bay dance company members will perform at various dance competitions, conventions, local recreational performances, and of course recital. The training will be well paid off with the amount of stage time these dancers receive.
What is the performance philosophy?
Yes, everyone wants first place. Yes, everyone wants to be the best. While these superficial driving factors are consistently visible for dancers and teachers, they are not the guiding principles that make us work hard. K&D North has been known for years to be a studio of love, passion, and organic gratification. We believe that seeing hard work pay off in a healthy, happy way is the greatest achievement of all. Recitals and competitions are as big of a deal as they are because it is a space to show audience members the work we have been doing from a place of excitement, not pressure.
Wear tight clothing so bodily alignment is able to be seen clearly by the panel, hair slicked back, and walk in stretched and with confidence.
Tampa Dance Company and
Tampa Dance Studio
Our Tampa Dance Company Is Made Up Of Dancers At The Highest Skill Level Across All Ages.
The Company Trains, Performs And Competes Throughout The Year.
The Company Trains, Performs And Competes Throughout The Year.
Learn More About
Our Tampa Dance Company
Passion to Inspire through Dance & Movement #kanddnorth